Summer 2025 Theme: Navigate

“Our theme this year is NAVIGATE. It is no secret that life increasingly involves many choices and decisions, some of which have the potential to have enormous impact, while others...not so much. How can we know which way to go? Or how to live? It can so often seem challenging when we consider all the ways in which the world pulls us and seeks our affections. There is certainly no shortage of voices speaking into our hearts and minds, offering different ‘paths’ to follow. So, who do we listen to? Which way do we go? Thankfully, we know that we are created and loved by the God who gives beautiful direction and guidance in His Word. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.’ These verses assure us that God is not only aware of the distractions of this life, but he has also given us the light of HIs Son and the truth of the scriptures to guide us. 

This summer, we are incredibly excited to be able to pursue wisdom and truth together, as we hopefully come to know and trust Christ and His Word. Come join us as we learn to "navigate" all of this together, by God's power and for His glory. It is going to be fun!”