We are excited about our 2025 summer camp season and glad that you are prayerfully considering serving this summer. If this is your first time looking into serving here, we'd love to answer any questions you may have.  In an attempt to do so, we have listed several FAQ's, as well as a few things you may need to know.  Please feel free to contact us through email or phone call with any further questions, clarifications, or just to say "Hey."  Our contact info is listed at the bottom of the page.  Blessings as you seek the Lord on how and where to serve Him!

1.) What are the dates that I will be serving?

Camp session begins with staff training week, beginning on Sunday, June 1st, 2025 and ends the last day of camp after lunch on Saturday, August 2nd, 2025.  Staff training is MANDATORY for all summer staff.  However, if there are circumstances which present a challenge for you to be here, please make us aware and we'll make every effort to work with you.  We ask that everyone make the commitment to serve the entire summer season unless they are a part of our Leader in Training program.  Again, if there is something that prevents this, please let us know and we will make every effort to work with you.

2.) How old do you have to be to serve on summer staff?

Generally, we accept applications from those that are 16 years old and up.  There is no cap on the maximum age, though we generally field a staff from 16-30 years old.  We do offer a Leaders in Training positions to a limited number of 15 year-olds, which is a 4-week commitment.  All staff 18 and older must be willing to submit to a background check performed by TVR. 

3.) If I'm accepted for a summer position, what roles are available to me?

While there are many different areas to serve during summer, the four main roles involve work staff, food services staff, snack shack staff, and counselors.  You may serve in just one of these, or combination of some throughout your serving. Our TVR staff job description is "WHATEVER". No matter what role we're asked to serve in, it is critical that ALL of our staff display a servant's heart, and is willing to serve in whatever capacity as needed. You may let us know if you desire to, or not to, work in a particular role, and we will take that into consideration.

4.) Is there payment or compensation for summer staff?

There is no salary or payment for the vast majority of roles for the summer. Occasionally, there are 3-4 leadership roles which are paid positions, depending on the year and the need.  We ask that those serving at TVR treat it as a missions opportunity.  As with many missions projects, the option for raising funds is available.  You may prefer to ask for financial support directly from family and friends, or you can choose to raise support through our process which involves asking for donations from a minimum of 50 different sources. Meeting these criteria will ensure a minimum level of compensation. Raising support is completely voluntary, and we will be happy to give you more specifics and help you with the process.  If you are unable to raise funds, and have made the efforts to seek support, we will work with you and ensure your needs are met. 

5.) What expenses can I expect over the summer at TVR?

There are few expenses while serving here for the summer. Once you arrive (you are responsible for your transportation to and from TVR), most necessities are provided. Three meals a day are provided on Monday through Friday, breakfast is provided on Saturdays, and breakfast and dinner are provided on Sundays.  As well, leftovers from the week are available most weekends. You will likely want to go into town with some of your fellow camp-staff and grab some non-camp food on your time off on the weekend, so there will be some expense there, if you so choose. You will need to get your laundry done on the weekends at one of the local Laundromats. This usually costs around $5 to $10. When carpooling on weekends, staff members typically contribute to help cover the cost gas for the driver. There are a lot of free and fun things to do while building community and relationships with your fellow camp staff.

6.) What does a typical weekend look like in the summer?

Down time during the weekends (once campers have left campus), is designed to provide much needed rest, promote fellowship and building community, and opportunities to relax. This is also a great chance to spend time in the Word and prepare your heart for the following week of camp. After campers leave, a typical Saturday schedule includes cleaning facilities, preparing camp for the following week, and having our staff meeting together. Once this is completed, staff will have the opportunity to do a variety of things. Some staff go offsite, do laundry, go eat together, take naps, go shopping, go hiking, etc. More details about weekend guidelines and carpooling options will be given during staff training.

7.) Am I allowed to have visitors in the summer/go visit people on the weekend?

Because of the busy schedule and the many people staying on campus, visitors are typically not permitted to come during the week. Weekends are designed for rest and building community. Therefore, visitors are also discouraged from coming during the weekends as well. However, there are times when there are exceptions, and these will be handled on an individual basis. This also applies to leaving camp during weekends.

8.)  If I have special dietary needs can I bring my own food to camp?

If you have special dietary needs, you are welcome to bring your own food. You will be able to store food in the kitchen. However, during mealtimes, the kitchen is very busy so you may need to discuss food preparation/options with the kitchen staff ahead of time.

9.) If I have personal medications, am I allowed to keep them with me?

With the exceptions of weekends all medications must be stored in the office. There are a few exceptions, which we can discuss with you upon arrival.

I want to apply! What do I do? 

The first step in the process is to pray about your summer decision. 

The second step is to apply. You can either use this link to fill out an application online, or you can download a paper application here. Please prayerfully consider your responses and send back the completed application to the following address. You can also scan and email your completed application to [email protected] if this is easier. 

TVR Christian Camp

Attn: Summer Staff Application

P.O. Box 10

Plumtree, NC 28664

The third step is to make sure that you get your references back in. They can either fill out the paper versions included in your application or they can click here to fill out a confidential online reference form.

Please note that we begin the reviewing process around the end of December/ first of January.  You will be contacted with an update on your application status during this time.  If at any point you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Program Coordinator, Brooks Oakley at [email protected] or by calling the camp office at 828-765-7860.


Again, we are excited for you as you pursue serving the Lord this summer.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you, no matter how, or where that may be.  Keep in touch, and God bless you! 

Phone: 828-765-7860

For questions concerning applying or raising support, please contact our Administrator/Business Manager, Shelia Oakley.  [email protected] x152